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We built a company recognized worldwide for our excellence in quality, and that, was only possible thanks to the dedication of all our employees.

We work with constant training, making it possible to develop all our employees equally.

We provide attractive benefits, investments in safety, training to improve work techniques, events to celebrate special dates, everything so that our employees can have a better experience in their professional and personal lives.

We are a company made up of more than 300 talented people who work hard every day to make their mark!
Internship Program
Programa de estágio
We recruit interns to develop new talents.

Through the Metalac Internship Program, the student starts to positively add to his academic and professional life.

Our commitment to the Program provides a learning journey with managers qualified in people management, capable of identifying skills and talents to extract the best from each person. We prepare our interns to be ready for a challenging future.
Young Apprentice
Jovens aprendizes
We exercise our compromise to young apprentices in the community to qualify them to enter the job market.

Our goal is to help young people discover which path they want to take and show them horizons that could be explored.

It's a journey full of knowledge and discoveries!
BURH is the tool we use for talent recruitment. You could be next.

Register your resume and keep up with our selection processes.
Discover the development stories of our employees

Started his journey at Metalac in 2018, as a Research and Development intern. After months of hard study and dedication he was hired to work in the Product and Process Development Engineering department. His commitment coupled with a team capable of helping him develop were fundamental for his growth within the company.
He currently develops Research and Development activities, focusing on customer technical support, product development, processes and new technologies.

Joined Metalac as an intern in the quality department. His rapid evolution provided him with a fixed job in just 4 months of internship, and from then on, he began to exponentially expand his skills and knowledge through training and support from his team, allowing him to become the current responsible member for the System of Integrated Management department of the company.

Started his journey at Metalac in 1999 as an office apprentice. After a year as an apprentice, he was hired to work in the company's tooling area, later he started to work in the assembly area, and since then, he has been performing his work for more than 23 years with great dedication and efficiency.

Joined Metalac in 2011 as an export intern. After a year she was hired to work in the commercial/marketing department, where she is currently working as Manager.
For ten years, Ariane has faced several challenges in the area that require skills to solve them, and thanks to her proficiency and all the learning she acquired from the professionals who participated in her trajectory, she has been successfully performing her role.

At just 18 years old, he started his career at Metalac as a production assistant.
His search for knowledge and internal training enabled him to perform functions in different sectors of production.
After graduating in Mechanical Technology, he was promoted to supervisor and later to the current Production Coordinator at Metalac.
His expertise in the manufacturing area and management skills made him a competent and committed coordinator with his team.

She was hired as a Research and Development intern in 2014. In 2015 she was promoted to P&O analyst, and after 3 years she was the first woman promoted to the Engineering department in Metalac's history.
Today, she takes the spot for current coordinator of the area, she provides training to both employees and external people seeking improvement.
Her excellent performance and constant search for innovations made her able to take advantage of all the opportunities that arose in her professional journey.

Metalac. Presence in every movement.

Get to know Metalac